
Patient Satisfaction and Perceptions About Quality of Healthcare at a Primary healthcare Centre of Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu

Dr. R Sudharsan

Functional Area Expert (SE,LU), ABM & Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd, Salem

Dr. V Saravanabavan

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

D Devanathan

Functional Area Expert (AQ & EB), ABM & Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd, Salem


Vol: 9, Issue: 3, 2019

Receiving Date: 2019-05-05 Acceptance Date:


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Quality of services shows a variation between the patient and the provider. Therefore, it needs to be explored whether the quality can explain the utilization of government healthcare. Objectives: This paper attempts to assess the utilization of healthcare services and patient satisfaction about PHC of Thanjavur district to observe the variation in the travel pattern with reference to accessibility keeping in view the age and sex wise variation. Database and design: Interviews were conducted among the patients at each of the service delivery points in the PHC to assess the utilization of services and the satisfaction of clients with the available services. Results: Most respondents rated the services to be of good quality on various parameters of health delivery. The factors affecting utilization of primary health care services provided by the government were easy accessibility, low cost, less waiting time and presence of health personnel. Conclusions: Provision of quality primary healthcare services to patients can result in better utilization of services at the primary level, thereby reducing the unnecessary burden of secondary and tertiary level facilities in addition to improving the health status of the community.

Keywords: Primary Healthcare services; Patients satisfaction; Healthcare quality; Accessibility


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